Certify your medical device in the EU
Documentation on Autopilot
Tailored Roadmap
One-Click Technical File
Simple Tasks
Expert Guidance
A crystal clear path to your CE mark.
Documentation you’ll enjoy making.
Achieve more, write less
Dead simple process
QMS ready, expert approved
No more questions where to start.
Absolute clarity
Monitor your progress
Any device class
Certify your device in record time
Get started today with our free trial and free expert guidance.
No hidden costs. Everything you need. For any software medical device.
Frequently Asked Questions
CE is an abbreviation of "conformité européenne" which equates to European conformity. CE marking indicates that a product has been assessed and deemed to meet EU safety, health and environmental protection requirements. It is required for products manufactured anywhere in the world that are then marketed in the EU. CE marking is especially important for medical devices which must meet a high regulatory standard before being allowed on the market.
The CE marking process for medical devices is centered around meeting the regulatory requirements in the EU region. Companies looking to CE mark their product should typically go through the following steps
-determine their product risk class and regulatory requirements according to EU Medical Device Regulations (MDR) 2017/745,
-establish a Quality Management System to develop your product while creating the required technical documentation,
-undergo a conformity assessment audit from a notified body for your quality management system and technical documentation (unless Class I self-certify),
-finalize their Declaration of Conformity, affix the CE mark, and maintain post-market surveillance requirements.
Formly’s software helps you with all of these steps.
Formly covers all standards that are required to be met by your medical device in order to be on the EU market.
Medical devices must comply with the EU Medical Device Regulations 2017/745, also known as MDR, first and foremost. Most manufacturers also use other international standards to ensure they meet all aspects of MDR. Some of these include ISO 13485, ISO 14971, IEC 62366, IEC 62304, and more depending on what type of medical device you have.
Yes! Formly’s software is built for everyone. If you are unfamiliar with the medical device regulations or wishing to improve your workflow efficiency to get CE marked faster and easier, our software can help. Our Document Autopilot generates MDR compliant documents for you and built in descriptions and video walk-throughs guide you through the rest.
You can’t be too early but you can be late. Once you understand what product you want to build, you can start your certification journey. The regulatory processes and records created while preparing for your CE mark integrate with product design, development, and testing. By starting your certification procedures early, you integrate quality processes into your workflow and avoid having to repeat steps down the road.
It depends on your medical device. Class III devices have more extensive regulatory requirements than Class I devices and often take longer to prepare for market entry. Also, notified body audits often take anywhere from 3-12 months to occur. As such, Class I software medical devices can take as little as days to months and Class IIA hardware medical devices can take months to years.